Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Elephant Dance

L had a wonderful time watching three elephants eat and wander around.

More from the Zoo

1) Logan and his mother looking at the horses.
2) Logan and his mother looking at the elephants.
3) Great outfit!!
4) What a great day! L was worn out and took a cat nap on the train on the way home.

Smithsonian National Zoo

Memorial Day Sunday was beautiful so we ventured into town and visited the National Zoo for Logan's first time. He had a great time!
1) Logan and his Dad on the train.
2) Seeing a Gorilla (yes, it's real).
3) Logan and his mother looking at an orangutan.
4) Logan checking things out.
5) An orangutan making his way back to his home on the above ground "walk-way."

The Corn Is As High ...

Logan has found a new food. He is enjoying eating corn on the cob.


L adores bubbles. Here he is blowing bubbles outside our home recently.

Post Bath

L likes being wrapped in his towel after his bath. We have been calling him a burrito and he now likes to say, "I'm a burrito."

Fun Has Been Had Lately

We have been having a great time in our nation's capital lately. Enjoy the pictures and videos.
1) L enjoying his bath.
2) L as the unibomber.
3) L with his two best buddies, Carter and Riley, in a picture given to one of his teachers on her last day.
4) L playing on the clacker.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fun With Logan is Infectious!

Wow, Life Sure Has Gotten In The Way #2

Logan and his parents traveled together to Minneapolis, but then he and his mother continued on to the metropolis of the North...Winnipeg.
1) While Logan and his mother were in Winnipeg, his father got to see outdoor baseball in MN. A great time was had and a great stadium was seen.
2) Logan aspires to dress completely in madras.
3) Logan and his cousin Isaac in Bobba purchased Costco jammies.
4) Logan and cousin Tess.
5) Our sweet boy sitting on our front steps.

Wow, Life Sure Has Gotten In The Way

Happy Spring (it is 90 and humid in DC today). No excuses for the unbelievably long delay. Much work, travel and great times with Logan have gotten in the way. Enjoy the next couple of pages of pictures.
1 & 2) In these times of "re-branding," Logan has taken on a new look. Or, he is SO famous that L needs to keep a low profile. You chose!
3) Thanks to a well placed shovel, here is a bath shot of Logan.
4) Many Sundays are spent by Logan reading the Washington Post and keeping track of his financial portfolio. Thank God for the recent rebound!
5) Logan is very 21st century, he shares his bed nightly with two furry friends: Cookie and Elmo.