Sunday, January 18, 2009

Random Pictures

Over the past week or so we have taken some random pictures of Logan. Enjoy.

Roll Over Bethoven (or Logan as the case may be)

Logan and Judith were enjoying an afternoon of NFC Championship football while the author was cleaning the bathroom (I see something HUGELY wrong with this). As they were watching Logan rolled over on his play mat. Enjoy the video.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

December-January #3

- Logan has hopes he will one day be a big time athlete. Logan and Don Baylor became friends and began to work on the fundamentals of hitting a curve ball. In the photo are Logan's father, Gramps, Don and Buzz.
-Logan liked the view from above.
- Logan, Dad and Gramps on #11 at PGA West. Logan brought good luck to his father who shot a 98 that day.
- Aunt Ann and Uncle Ted made the effort to meet Logan in La Quinta. We can not express our appreciation enough!
- Logan's first golf cart ride. He was a bit tuckered out with all the New Years day parties.

December-January (con't)

- Logan, his mother and his great aunt Marian at Ironwood CC in Palm Desert. Logan loved meeting Marian!
- Logan and his cousin Joey. Logan enjoyed meeting Joey, Dara and Ryan and looks forward to seeing them again.
- Who dat? Logan sees someone in the mirror, but does not know why they won't talk to him.
- Look Dad, no hands! Logan holds his first bottle. This trick has not been repeated since.
- Logan and Gramps share a moment. It is obvous they BOTH enjoyed their time together in La Quinta. has been a long time

I am sorry it has been so long since the last post. There is no excuse except "life happens." Logan remains a happy boy and a wonderful joy to his parents. 15 photos will be included in the following posts that will chronicle the past month. The author will include brief descriptions.

- The first feed #3
- The first feed #2
- December 23, Logan's 6 month birthday and rice cereal is introduced. He likes it, he likes it, hey Mikey! (name the commercial)
- A happy boy in his excer-saucer. Thanks MN Bebchuks!
- Logan had a message for the photographer after he had asked for the pictures to stop.