Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Mother's Rhythm

Logan danced for the first time tonight (with some parental physical and Led Zeppelin musical assistance). Looks like he has his mother's gift of rhythm and beat! Meagan is in the background admiring Logan's moves.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What A Hard Life!!!

Here are some photos of Logan enjoying time with his grandparents and "hanging out." He enjoyed his Bobba and Zaida's visit and looks forward to seeing them in Florida this winter (at a yet to be determined time). Please notice Logan has found his hands and is now spending quality time with his middle two fingers of his right hand or left thumb in his mouth. He even, at times, uses his other hand to make sure his fingers stay in his mouth (note the photo). His father still hopes he has a future as a left handed quarterback or pitcher...it is okay to dream, isn't it?!

Bobba and Zaida's Great Adventure

Logan's Winnipeg grandparents annually make a circuitous journey from the tundra (Winnipeg) to their salt-water home in Boynton Beach, FL. On the way they visit children and grandchildren in Minneapolis, Ottawa and Washington, DC. While in DC they spent wonderful quality time with Logan and his parents. We were even able to visit the C & O Canal spot where we were engaged on November 11, 2006 (there is no way the author would forget getting engaged on Rememberance Day...could he?). Enjoy the photos.

Election Results!

Logan was reading the paper with his mother on Wednesday, November 5 and was excited by what her read regarding the impending change in US governmental leadership (yes Trevor, there was an election recently).

Dancing King

Logan received a wonderful new gift from his Bobba and Zaida who recently visited on their way to Florida. Logan LOVES his new Jolly Jumper. Enjoy the short video.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a Night

Logan was plum tuckered out after trick-or-treating with his bounty strewn around him.

There is a Bat Among Us

Logan and his parents celebrated his first Halloween. Logan was alert and smiling in his costume until we exited the house where he immediately fell asleep (it is the fresh air). His parents did their best to fill his pumpkin with copious amounts of sweets and of course they will keep it all safe until he is able to consume it (wink, wink). Notice Logan's first political picture (taken in our front yard...hint, hint). The cat, with the bat, was a gift from Logan's G-Ma...she doesn't remember sending it.

Morning Routine

Logan and his mother have a morning routine that includes both of them preparing for the .75 of a mile walk to daycare (Kidstop) around 7:15a. The weather has began to turn and Logan is ready for the snow to fly.

Bouncy Seat

Some of Logan's happiest moments are while he is in his bouncy seat (Fisher Price jungle scene). Here he is smiling for the camera. Thanks for the sweater cousin Isaac.

Been A Long Time

We are sorry it has been a while since the last post. Please bear with us as we will post a few new ones today.

Logan visited the doctor last week for his expected 4 month check up:
- 13.1 pounds
- 24.5 inches
- smiled before and after inoculations (yes, there were tears, but I told Judith she would get a piece of candy afterwards if she was good)