Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let's Go Daddy

Logan is practicing carrying his mother and father on his back while he is in the Baby Bjorn in anticipation of his upcoming international trip (sounds more adventurous than saying "to Canada"). We think he will be ready to carry us long distances by the time he goes. See the photos to the left for proof. Also notice the change in accessories.

Who Dat?!?!

Back in the 1990s (remember them) the New Orleans Saints had a saying, "Who Dat?!" Well, Logan's mother purchased him an activity mat so he can have some "tummy time" (I can't believe I am using that terminology, what's next coochie, coochie, coo??)and on the mat there is a mirror. Logan, though he didn't quite understand what he was looking at, spent some time looking at himself and liked what he saw. See the picture to the left for proof.

Oie Vey

Logan recently had his 2 month doctors appointment and here are his stats:
22.75 inches long (50-75th percentile)
14.75 inch head circumference (5-10th percentile)
10 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile)
"A very healthy young boy" said Dr. Seigel (she spells it wrong!)

In the photo to the left you can see Logan's reaction.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Look for Logan's teeth...he is smiling! Guess who he is looking at.

Where I Lay My Head

Logan and his cousin, Isabella, met via Skype the other night. Besides asking if Judith and I were Logan's mommy and daddy, Isabella asked what Logan's room looked like. I sent some individual pictures to her, but thought I would post one on the blog. Logan's G-MA has ALWAYS talked about going on an African safari...from the picture you can see that Logan is on one nightly.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slow On the Uptake

There is no excuse for the limited blog entries lately, but let me try:
- Judith is participating in Baby Boot Camp & another mother's group
- I am back working full time
- Logan participated in his first afternoon session at Gymboree...and slept through it

Logan and his parents, however, have taken some great walks in AWESOME weather, slept pretty well, and most importantly enjoyed each others company. We did recently have a wonderful meal with our friends Jorge and Corey and Logan dressed as a sailor. The photos at the left show him enjoying the corresponding sailors cap (NOT) and then post dinner with J, C and Dad.

We are zeroing in on daycare options (we actually have to make a selection as we have a choice) and Logan is beginning to smile...I will try and document, but it not easy negotiating with an 8 week old.

Until the next update, all is well on the east coast.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thank You

Gramps has been gone for a day and we are already looking forward to his next visit to the east coast. The picture on the left shows Logan and gramps in Kermit the Frog's favorite color.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Spot

The weather was so beautiful that we took a stroll along the C & O Canal. This is the place where Logan's parents became engaged on 11/11/07 and they were thrilled to share their "spot" with Logan and gramps.

Bucket List

While gramps was in town we knocked one of the two final items off of his "bucket list"- visiting the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. While along the Tidal Basin we also visited the FDR Memorial. To the left are pictures of our visit downtown. There is also a picture of the lone item left on Marv's "bucket list"...we look forward to our next trip to Vegas.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Three Generations

Gramps arrived after an 1100 mile drive (almost 100 miles less than uncle J- he must have gotten lost). We have a big weekend planned and are excited to have three generations of Segals under the same roof in Rockville. When some who drink margaritas hear "three generations" they think of the near picture to the left, others may think of the three smiling faces in the other photo.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Chins

Some may think when looking at the title of this post this entry is about a family from the host country of the summer olympics. Instead, it is about Logan and his father catching a few minutes of shut eye. Please don't count the number of chins (get it??) in the photo to the left.

Go Canada and USA!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What's That?

Logan has an animal. The bunny in the picture to the left has found a comforting place to live in our backyard. As long as he does not eat our flowers and bushes he may stay.

We look forward to introducing little bunny foo-foo to Gramps when he arrives tomorrow.

Logan's First Night Out

Recently, Logan and his parents ventured to downtown Bethesda to partake in Bethesda's Restaurant Week. We selected a wonderful Italian ristorante in honor of our first anniversary and Italian honeymoon (can you believe it has only been a year since "the event of the century"). If you are ever in Bethesda, Logan (and his parents) HIGHLY recommend Bice (Bee-Chay) ( for an authentic meal.

Here are Logan and his mother ready to go out to dinner (thanks to B, T & I for the outfit).

Friday, August 1, 2008

Just Chillin'

Many of you know this, but Logan's parents adore their house. One of their absolute favorite things to do on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings is to grab a cup of coffee, a muffin and the Washington Post and relax on their patio. There is a new addition to this weekly tradition...Logan. He spent his first weekend day with us and as you can see in the attached pictures; he had a riveting experience. We can't wait until he asks for his own section of the newspaper!