Tuesday, July 29, 2008


There was minor trepidation in our house the other day as we have reached the point of offering Logan "The Bottle." We have heard horror stories of children not accepting "The Bottle" and experiencing some sort of confusion to this new thing being thrust into their faces. Well, our perfect son had no problem and accepted "The Bottle" with absolutely NO hesitation. His father gladly fed him while his mother was off enjoying a bit of freedom. See attached pictures of Logan's (and his father's) first bottle feeding. Neither Logan nor his father were traumatized, too much, by the experience.

Happy birthday to one of the best little brothers in the world (as if I have more than one).

Sunday, July 27, 2008

They Came, They Saw, They...Left

Logan's Ottawa aunt, uncle and cousin spent a quick 36 hours in Rockville (seems short compared to their 18 hours on the road) in order to meet Logan, see Logan's parents and do some shopping. It was great seeing Cheryl, Danny and Ophira and we are sorry Ethan was on a fantasy football scouting mission. Someone needs to share with Ethan that no NFL "star" has ever come from Israel. Shopping success was had at Macy's (sorry Stef) and stellar food and beverages were consumed at the Dogfish Head Alehouse (http://www.dogfish.com/).

During their visit Logan did, ever so briefly, open his eyes and smile at his north of the border relatives. The attached pictures show the happy family (minus one) and Logan, Ophira seranading her cousin and Danny practicing his stand-up routine...keep your day job with the Canadian government. Their willingness to visit was GREATLY appreciated!

The last picture is of Logan and his mother looking forward to a few days rest when the next house guests may appear.

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One Month Appointment

Logan visited the pediatrician today for his one month appointment. We are pleased to share that he weighs 7.5 pounds (an almost two pound increase) and is 21 inches in length (a two inch increase). The doctor kept saying, " he is perfect!!" His parents couldn't agree more.

We look forward to 3/4 (that's 75%) of the "Ottawa Connection" arriving Friday. More to come once they arrive.

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Bath Time

It took a little while, but Logan now enjoys "bath time." Washing behind his ears and using the soft bristled brush on his head are his favorite. Here is a picture of him snug as a bug in a rug.

Logan's first concert

We attended a concert of 80's music (oldies to some) with our neighbors. Logan had a wonderful time (see photo).

Logan's New Shirt

I am not sure who was more excited about this gift, Logan or his father. Training camp opens at the end of the week. Go Vikes!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

It seems like a long time, doesn't it?!

Tomorrow is Logan's four (4) week birthday. I was recently corrected by my wife that it is NOT his month birthday because that will happen on the 23rd. Since the last entry, Logan had the opportunity to meet his Minnesota relatives who made the 1200 mile, one-way drive to our nation's capital (we appreciate that). Please find a few pictures of their visit attached. While here, Logan's relatives visited the Mall (not that one...), the US capital and one or two of the Smithsonian museums. They, and Logan, also enjoyed great burgers and malts at Cheeburger, Cheeburger, Italian at Fontina Grill and Thai at Tara Thai. Some of this food did not sit so well with Logan and his parents are learning (the hard way) that dairy and spices are not the best thing for infants. Logan (and his parents) recently had a couple of rough nights, but he did show some enjoyment in his Rainforest Bouncer at 4:00a one morning. Adjustment of diet and belief in Lotrimin cream have made things better.

The upcoming week will include an 80's concert with neighbors tonight (http://www.thereaganyears.com/), two doctors appointments this week (both routine) and a visit from Logan's aunt, uncle and one of two cousins from Ottawa next weekend. Of course pictures and stories will be posted along the way.

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

And They Keep Coming!!

Hello and thank you for looking at Logan's blog. We are sorry for the delay, but we have been spending quality time with visitors who come to see Logan and his parents in Washington, DC. We had a wonderful, but far too quick visit with our favorite Chaplain (see picture) who was in town to learn the nuances of running an independent school. We were honored that he found time to make his way North from the city to say hello and to meet Logan. The past couple of days have been spent with Aunt Raleigh and Uncle Jon (see pictures). Quality time was spent at Logan's home as well as at the The United States Marine Corps War Memorial, better known as the Iwo Jima Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery where Logan saw his first "changing of the guard." Raleigh and Jon's visit was wonderful, yet far too short for Logan's parents. They look forward to when Raleigh and Jon can return with Logan's two first cousins.

Roughly twelve hours after Aunt Raleigh and Uncle Jon went "wheels up" from Ronald Reagan National Airport (it pains the author to call it that) Logan's other MN relatives arrived. Karen, Joseph, Bradley and Melissa made the 1200 mile drive from Plymouth to meet Logan and sight see in Washington, DC. We are sorry that cousin Meagan was unable to make the trip, but she is currently "suffering" in Paris soon on her way to Zermatt. Life as a 17 year old is difficult!!

There are no pictures, yet, of the new visitors, but check back often as they will miraculously appear over the next couple of days.

We look forward to a great week with the MN visitors and will keep you updated on Logan's progress and antics. This incredibly busy social life has made Logan a bit tired (see picture), but he has been a wonderful host and loves the attention.

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Uncle Trevor's Visit

I am sorry it has been a couple of days since I last wrote, but we are just recovering from Uncle Trevor's visit to our nation's capital. Trevor arrived via Air Canada (he needed to remain "Canadian" as long as possible) and then made his way north to meet Logan. Trevor has a certain touch with all he encounters and brought out the best in his nephew. The corresponding pictures show a bright eyed Logan with Trevor and Judith.

We were able to spend some quality time together and look forward to the arrival of Logan's cousin in Winnipeg within the next month.

While Trevor was in town we went to our favorite baby store, Great Beginnings (http://www.childrensfurniture.com/) and purchased a Baby Bjorn. I have attached a picture showing the confusion I had putting it together. Eventually, I was able to figure out how to assemble and put it on and soon I hope to figure out how to take it off.

We are now preparing for the arrival of Logan's Aunt Raleigh and Uncle Jon and look forward to sharing aspects of their visit soon.

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Oooh & Ahhh

Some say that watching the Fourth of July fireworks cause individuals to oooh and ahhh at the beauty, amazement and grandeur of the intricate designs, wonderful colors and loud noises created. We, however, oooh'd and ahhh'd at the sounds expressed from both ends of Logan yesterday...our own celebration.

We were able to hear the fireworks last night, but were unable to see the colorful bursts that accompanied the sounds. Logan was unfazed by the sounds. We spent yesterday as a trio walking through the neighborhood and relaxing. The corresponding pictures show Logan buckled into his stroller ready to explore and then relaxing at home in his playard (which he adores).

Today we look forward to Uncle Trevor's arrival and the time we will spend with him. I am sure pictures and stories will appear regarding Trevor's visit soon.

Before signing off, the Maryland Segal family would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Gramps. We hope you hit them long and straight today!!

Until then...All is great on the east coast.

Friday, July 4, 2008

July 4, 2008

Logan has been home for 8 days and is a very happy boy!! He spent some quality time with both sets of grandparents and is looking forward to the upcoming visits of uncles and aunts.

The past couple of days have been wonderful. Long walks have been taken, feeding patterns have been established and enjoyment has been achieved. This morning Logan and Mark woke up early and walked down to the city center and bought a couple cups of coffee and some breakfast delicacies (morning muffin and cranberry/walnut scone). Judith was happily surprised upon our return.

Today we will celebrate Independence Day AND friend's and family members anniversaries (Ann & Ted Z. and Bella & Adam P.). We also are preparing to celebrate Gramps birthday tomorrow.

More to come...until then- All is great on the east coast.